di Simonetta Tuccitto
12 Mag 2020 - Lettura di 10 minuti
Ciao, mi chiamo Simonetta e sono un'insegnante di inglese certificata CELTA.
Il mio obiettivo è quello di insegnare l'inglese facendoti divertire e sognare.
Per questo motivo oggi ti voglio proporre un esercizio di ascolto inglese raccontandoti la storia del mostro di Loch Ness.
Ascolta la mia lezione su YouTube e prova a ripetere con me la storia in inglese.
Ripeterò la storia per due volte, la prima volta a velocitá normale, mentre la seconda volta più lentamente per permetterti di seguire meglio la storia.
Provando a riptere le frasi che leggero, non solo migliorerai le tue capacitá di ascolto della lingua inglese, ma anche le tue capacità di pronuncia.
La trascrizione della storia
Have you heard of Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster? Loch Ness is a very large, deep lake in Scotland.
Many people think a monster lives in it.
The first report of Nessie was back in the sixth century. A man called St Columba reported seeing a monster in the water, but he told the monster to go back, and he was safe.
Then, in 1933, Nessie was seen again by George Spicer and his wife – she crossed the road in front of their car.
The next year, a photo was taken of Nessie, which became very famous. It was taken by a doctor – but the photo turned out to be fake.
Since then, there have been several more sightings of Nessie.
Some people have tried to take photos and videos, but Nessie is very shy and the pictures are not very clear.
People have also tried exploring the lake, but it is very deep and very dark.
Some people watched the lake, while other people used equipment like underwater cameras, microphones, and sonar to scan the lake carefully.
People have even explored the lake in submersibles. No one has found anything definite.
There are lots of possible explanations for what people have seen in Loch Ness.
Maybe the monster is just a giant eel, a large bird, a tree or a seal.
A few people even think it could be a plesiosaur, which is a type of dinosaur.
So, what do you think? Do you believe that Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster, really exists?
Spero che ti sia piaciuta questa mie esercitazione di ascolto inglese sul mostro del lago di Loch Ness.
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Troverai lezioni grammaticali, esercitazioni di ascolto e di pronuncia, lezioni su frasi utili in diversi contesti e molto altro.